Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Eggs everywhere

Our annual Easter egg hunt is next Friday! Every year we host a big confetti egg hunt for the girls and all their friends.

This year I have over 60 dozen egg shells. I used to dye them all by hand, but last year I got smart and started spray painting them instead.

Next we will stuff them with confetti and glue a tissue paper lid on them. I'm bringing in helpers for that this Friday.

So, for the next week and a half I will have eggs all over my kitchen table. It's worth it though to see the kids having so much fun bombing their friends with confetti!


  1. That sounds like a great Easter tradition! Good luck getting it all done!

  2. What a great idea! I love that, so much fun.

  3. There are a few people on my list I would like to "bomb" :-)...looks like fun.
