My sister went to Mt. Ranier and sent me this picture! I did get to see some mountains near San Diego but I really haven't gotten my mountain fix and this image is somewhere I'd love to go. I also imagine it must be cooler there than here. 106 predicted for Wednesday. Ugh.

When in San Diego all the way from Texas, you are just too close not to go to Disneyland.

This is on Space Mountain. I smiled this big every time. (3!)
We had a blast. All of us. I was sporting this look a lot so I was certain I wouldn't lose my glasses! Next time (yes, I already want to go back) I'll consider wearing my contacts. ;)

I really loved our time at Disneyland. We took the girls 2 years ago and it wasn't nearly as much fun. This time they were both old enough to do all the rides and enjoy them.
Disney doesn't need any ringing endorsements from little ol me, but I just can't say enough how great their park is. So clean. For the number of people there, they keep those lines moving pretty quickly. Amazing rides. We came home Pirates of the Caribbean crazy and have watched the first 3 movies. We even watched the third one twice because some of us didn't understand it the first time. (I won't mention any names ;)). In short I am head over heels for Disneyland.
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