We took the girls to the pumpkin patch last Friday night. They had a lot of fun. Face painting, hay ride, corn maze, kettle corn. This week is a whirlwind already leading up to Halloween. The girls each have functions at school that require them to wear some sort of costume.
Friday night we're going to a Halloween party where we are each supposed to dress up like someone famous who shares our name. So really, how many famous Amy's are there? I'm thinking of Amy Fisher the Long Island Lolita. I'm pretty sure I still remember how to do my hair 90's style. Lots of hairspray right? Anyone have any better ideas?
I had big plans to document the process of making hand stamped jewelry. I have gotten too caught up in getting my orders completed instead of taking pictures of the process. I'll try to get some more pictures of the creative process. I really do want you to see just how ugly and messy making jewelry can be. It is always amazing to me how beautiful a finished piece can be when you've seen your silver all black, covered in firescale, scratched, crooked, etc....during the actual making of the piece.
I am just aching to do something new. I just can't work on anything new when I know I have orders that come first. The guilt!!! I really am hoping to get caught up so I'll have time to play.
Can't wait to see the Amy Fisher pictures!