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I cut these three feathers the other day without really being completely certain what I was going to do with them.
I've always known that one day I would be making a dream catcher. I just didn't know exactly how it would look yet. In fact I am still gathering inspiration from around my bench.
Also I am completely hooked on stringing beads. It is keeping my hands happily busy in the evenings when we watch tv or a movie. And I'm beading in my own quiet time as well.
I go through periods of playing with seed beads. The very first was when I was a kid and my Grandma Helen gave me an Indian bead loom and seed beads in every color. Looking back I am remembering my Grandma and how she must have seen my creative streak and wanted to give me gifts that would encourage me. It wasn't the only box of beads she gave me. I also remember a big box of larger plastic beads in different colors sizes and shapes. I hope I thanked her sufficiently at the time. I still remember that she was the beginning of my love affair with beads.
Also, my daughter wore these ears to dinner.

I think I better enjoy this, I have a feeling it's not going to last long.