School starts on the 23rd, and I can't wait! I got an email invite the other day to attend a "boo-hoo breakfast" on the first day of school after we drop off our kindergarteners... I'm wondering if they'll be shocked to have me there grinning from ear to ear. :) Don't get me wrong, I love my girls more than anything, but I do better with forced routines. That, and my nerves must be running short because the whining and arguing is really starting to get to me...
I have big plans of course. Spend more time at the gym, spend more time creating, clean and shop without interruption.... we'll see how it all pans out. All this consistent schedule stuff comes with a price though.. and that price is having to get up early. If I had my way, I'd stay up til about 1 am and sleep til about 9:30. but those days are long gone, even in the summer. I am a person who needs lots of sleep, a minimum of 8 hours, so soon I'll have to be in bed by 10:30 and that just stinks....oh well, can't have it all!

Amethyst Juicy PoP Drop Earrings
These amethysts are gorgeous. I love the dark purple, so regal...
I finally made some decisions on displays for the art show. They should be here by the end of the week. I had been agonizing over them forever, and it's to the point now that I just had to take the plunge. I contacted the lady that designed my logo, and had her resize it for a banner to hang on my table, and now I just need to figure out table coverings, risers, and lighting.
I am still in making mode, whenever I can. In fact I am giving myself 4 hours this morning before taking the girls to the pool this afternoon to get some work done.

Juicy PoP Drop Earrings in Mountain Jade and Sterling Silver all know how I feel about carnelian....

I had a request the other day to remake a pair of earrings, and I had run out of the beads I needed. So I took a trip to The Rock Barrell in Dallas. And, so as not to waste a trip, I decided I needed a few things... and found these luscious faceted carnelian rectangles. I love carnelian anyway, so that wasn't much of a stretch, but I love everything about these beads. The shape, the facets, the coloring, the fact that the stones are different sizes..... I could go on and on...
Well, I better get to work, the clock is ticking!